About South Florida Vanpool
Ride Sharing
Ride sharing is the practice of sharing rides or transportation, especially by commuters, typically in the form of carpooling and vanpooling. Some agencies and organizations have adopted formal definitions clarifying the number of people, types of vehicles, and operating characteristics that qualify as ride sharing. Shared ride programs generally include all forms of carpooling and vanpooling. These can be informal arrangements or formal arrangements made through ride-matching services. Ride-matching services take several forms, such as committed vanpool groups or dynamic ride sharing programs that support real-time ridesharing through short-term instant arrangements enabled by GPS and wireless service. Ride matching programs are often supported by a local public transportation agency.
Commuting with 4 to 15 people together in a state sponsored van or SUV. FDOT will pay towards the monthly rent and fuel at 50% to offset costs for the vanpoolers for completing monthly trip recording.
Enterprise Contract
COMMUTE with Enterprise, a private provider of public transportation services, has entered into a joint participation agreement with FDOT to provide turn-key commuter vanpool services. Working in partnership with the FDOT Commuter Assistance Organizations and State of Florida Economic Development Organizations, COMMUTE with Enterprise will provide and make available well-appointed commuter highway vehicles that seat 7 to 15 persons, comprehensive auto liability insurance coverage, and a bumper-to-bumper preventive maintenance and repair package. Services are provided on a month-to-month contract basis and require no long-term commitment.